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San Jose Child Molestation Defense Lawyer

Your name and reputation are assets that you can ill afford to have permanently tarnished, and there are few things that can follow you around for the rest of your life quite like a conviction on charges of child molestation. Lifelong placement on the national sex offender registry will have ramifications in your personal and professional dealings long after any jail time has elapsed and fines have processed, making it imperative that anyone charged with molestation have access to quality and effective legal representation.

The San Jose child molestation defense attorneys with the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, has built a reputation as an experienced and reliable firm dedicated to protecting the rights and interests of their clients against any charges, and we are prepared to commit our team’s experience and resources to defending you against any allegations. The stakes could not be much higher when your livelihood and reputation is on the line, and skilled representation can have an enormous impact on the rest of your life.

Defense Against Allegations of Child Molestation

While all Americans are to be considered innocent until proven guilty of any crime, allegations of indecency with children can immediately color people’s opinions. The unfortunate truth is that many molestation charges are brought up based on false allegations made with ulterior motives.

Sadly, many children in our culture are fully capable of alleging events that never occurred in order to lash out against a stern parent, a strict teacher, or any other adult. Additionally, contentious divorce cases sadly often see false allegations of child molestation initiated by a parent seeking sole custody of their child. Whether your situation involves these circumstances or not, you cannot afford to face charges of child molestation unprepared and unsupported.

Contact a San Jose Child Molestation Lawyer

If you are facing charges of child molestation, taking an active role in defending your name and your rights is of extreme importance. With the skilled representation of an attorney from the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, you will have access to the full resources of an established and successful firm prepared to defend your interests against any allegations or charges. To learn more about your options for defense, contact our attorneys today at 408-296-4100.