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San Jose Restraining Orders Attorneys

Unfortunately for many people in relationships, domestic abuse and other acts of violence make restraining orders necessary. Restraining orders, which are meant to keep certain abusive or violent people away, can provide the protection that victims of domestic violence and abuse need from their aggressors. However, there are also cases in which people file unnecessary or unfair restraining orders against their partner or spouse, often in an attempt to get an upper hand during divorce.

At the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, we understand both how important getting a protective restraining order can be for anyone in San Jose and how necessary it often is to fight against an improper restraining order. Whether you need protection for yourself and loved ones, or believe your rights have been unfairly violated, having legal support can make the difference in getting the resolution that you want.

Types of Restraining Orders

There are a number of different types of restraining orders that can be filed, including:

  • Emergency Protective Orders
  • Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders
  • Criminal Protective Orders

The duration of these orders can vary significantly, and it is important that those pursuing or fighting these orders have the legal assistance they need to ensure that their safety and rights are protected under the law.

Learn More about Restraining Orders from a Lawyer in San Jose

When you need the protection a restraining order offers against a spouse or domestic partner, our legal team at the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, can help. Additionally, if a vindictive ex-spouse or partner has filed a restraining order against you unfairly, we can help you fight it. Call 408-296-4100 today to discuss your situation with a compassionate and understanding lawyer.