Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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The Attorney-Client Privilege

The attorney-client privilege is a legal doctrine which protects private communications which take place between an attorney and his or her client and prevents the disclosure of these communications. This privilege is intended to maintain the integrity of the current legal system by allowing attorneys and clients to communicate openly and honestly without fear of having confidential information revealed to other individuals or organizations.

Provisions and Limitations

In the simplest terms, attorney-client privilege guarantees states that communications, whether verbal or written, between an attorney and his client are private. The confidentiality guaranteed by the attorney-client privilege is considered a fiduciary duty – the highest standard of obligation and care provided by the law.

However, attorney-client privilege is not as absolute as it has been made to appear in the popular media. Several exceptions to the attorney-client rule exist and have been upheld in court

For more information on the attorney-client privilege, contact San Jose criminal lawyer with the [firm-name] at [phone-number] today.