Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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Bomb Threats

Every year, thousands of Americans make bomb threats. In many cases, these individuals are teenagers looking for a laugh. Though they may find their antics entertaining, bomb threats are a very serious crime that may carry a heavy sentence.

Punishment varies depending on the circumstances surrounding a bomb threat. If you or someone you know has been accused of issuing a bomb threat, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of the [firm-name] at [phone-number].

Dangers and Punishments

Bomb threats are usually made over the telephone to large buildings that house many people. Schools are constantly targets of such threats because of the number of people involved. When there is a bomb threat, a building must be evacuated so that the building can be inspected by trained bomb squads.

In most cases, bomb threats are made when there is no actual bomb. They are phoned in to cause panic but present no actual danger. Regardless, these threats are disruptive, and the aftermath requires a great deal of resources to debunk the possibility of threats.

Making a bomb threat may be a felony offense. Those found guilty of making such threats may be punished by fines and jail time.

Contact Us

Bomb threats are serious offenses even if there are no bombs involved. If you or someone you know has been charged with making a bomb threat, contact the San Jose criminal defense attorneys of [firm-name] at [phone-number] to learn more about your legal rights.