Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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When we think of corrupt individuals, we usually associate them with taking bribes. Indeed, bribery, which includes monetary or material gifts meant to persuade an individual to act a certain way, is a common problem in business and politics. Bribery is a criminal offense, whether you offer a bribe or accept one.

If you or someone you know has been accused of bribery, you need experienced legal representation. Contact the San Jose bribery defense lawyers of the [firm-name] at [phone-number].

Who Receives Bribes?

Bribery is evident in many areas of our lives. Most bribes are directed toward individuals in positions of power. Those who offer the bribes hope to receive favorable treatment from the bribed individual. Some of the most commonly recipients of bribes are:

The main difference between bribes and gifts is that bribes are given to individuals in order to receive some sort of benefit whereas gifts are meant to be a gesture of goodwill to a friend, family member, or associate. Bribes often alter the natural course of events in order to work in someone’s best interests. No matter what the desired benefit is, bribes are illegal and may be punishable by law.

Contact Us

If you have been accused of bribery, contact the San Jose bribery defense attorneys of the [firm-name] at [phone-number] to learn more about receiving proper representation.