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Civil Disobedience

People around the world have used civil disobedience for centuries to get their governments to reverse injustices. While the power of protest is strong, when taken to extraordinary proportions, it may become illegal.

Depending on the type civil disobedience an individual commits, he or she may face a stiff sentence. If you or someone you love has been charged with civil disobedience, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of the [firm-name] at [phone-number] to learn how we can help you.

Types of Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience is the direct disobedience of a certain law. In many cases, civil disobedience refers to protesting.

The right to protest is a Constitutional right granted to every American. However, this is only a right when the protesting individual does not harm another individual. When he or she harms someone else, it becomes a crime.

An example of civil disobedience that may harm others is rioting. Rioting usually involves the destruction of property. Individuals in the wrong place at the wrong time could suffer serious harm when caught in the middle of a riot.

Additionally, rioting includes the destruction of another person’s property. This is considered vandalism, which is also an illegal act. While civil disobedience has brought about some of the most progressive civil rights reforms in history, it has also left many victims in its wake.

Contact Us

Civil disobedience can be used as a tool for change or as a tool for crime. If you or someone you love has been accused of civil disobedience, contact the San Jose criminal defense attorneys of the [firm-name] at [phone-number] to discuss the facts of your case.