Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer appointments via phone, video, or in person.

Common Reasons for Being Pulled Over

There are many obvious ways of breaking the law on the road, such as ignoring traffic lights or stop signs. However, these blatant driver errors are not the only reason people get pulled over by police officers. As a driver, you are in charge of ensuring that your car is legally safe for the road.

If you have been given a ticket on the road, you may be facing serious consequences. It is important to speak to a San Jose defense attorney about the legality of your arrest and how to build a strong defense against the charges. Contact the legal professionals of the [firm-name], today by calling [phone-number] for a free consultation.

Common Traffic Offenses

The following are actions for which drivers are pulled over on a relatively frequent basis. In some cases, these errors are simply due to the driver accidentally forgetting to do basic car maintenance:

Officers must have just cause for pulling you over. Unfortunately, some officers are guilty of driver profiling and fail to have just cause before turning on their flashing lights. Many of these offenses are punishable by high fines, or, in the event of a DUI, jail time. However, with the help of a defense attorney, you may be able to fight the consequences of your ticket or arrest.

Contact Us

If you have received a ticket for one of these offenses, you need the help of an attorney. Contact a San Jose criminal and DUI defense attorney at the [firm-name], today at [phone-number] to learn more about your rights.