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Criminal Punishment Reform

No one likes to go to jail. Oftentimes the circumstances under which an individual is arrested can be in question. A recent trend that has been taking place in the legal system is that the punishments for specific crimes have been unusually harsh. This is because there is no longer a standard to which judgments can be held. Given that this is the current case, criminal law reform, particularly with penalties and punishments, is in order.

There is starting to be a trend in the United States where the punishments for a crime are governed more by comprehensive guidelines due to the fact that the current criminal codes are incomplete. These guidelines are meant to be a way for judges to determine the right course of action to take after a verdict has been reached.

The original creators of the criminal codes tried their very best to institute fair judgment policies that are mitigated by an organized crime severity stratification. However, the intended result of this strategy hasn’t kept up with the progression of the times. As a result, the legislative definitions of crimes are sometimes in no way linked to the crime that has been committed.

In some cases, sadly, the level of punishment is completely up to the judge: absolute judiciary discretion. It is because of this very loophole in the system that guidelines have shaped the practice of law more so than the code.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a criminal act, it is imperative that the correct attorney is chosen, one that can fight squarely for your rights as a citizen. Call the San Jose criminal law attorneys of the [firm-name] at [phone-number].