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Date Rape

Women face many dangers, and will likely face more dangers than men in their lifetime. Aside from facing the same dangers that men face, such as robbery and injury, they also have a higher risk than men do of facing sexual crimes, such as sexual harassment and rape.

One crime that almost no men have been victims of and mostly women have been victims of is date rape. As the name implies, date rape is a form of rape, or the act of forcing someone against his or her will to engage in a sexual act. Date rape, however, involves drugging the victim into unconsciousness and then raping her/him.

A common way in which date rape occurs is as follows: at a party, club, bar, etc., a man puts a pill, powder, or liquid into a woman’s drink. The drug dissolves in the drink and does not affect the drink’s taste or texture. A little time after consuming the drink, the woman loses consciousness. When the woman has blacked out, the man rapes her.

Date rape occurs at colleges as well as in adulthood. A lot of women who get date raped do not want to report the rape to authorities or press charges against the man who raped them. They feel ashamed, or they may just want to forget about the matter entirely.

Speak with a San Jose Rape Defense Lawyer

If you have been accused or charged with date rape, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of the [firm-name] by calling [phone-number].