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DNA Exoneration

It is difficult for anyone who has never experienced first-hand the horror of wrongful imprisonment to grasp how devastating this situation can be. As citizens of a free nation professing that people are innocent until proven guilty, incarceration without guilt should be one of our primary concerns.

Sadly, even a legal system based upon the highest ideals of morality is prone to error and bias. We still send thousands of men and women to prison every year who have committed no crime, some of whom face the ultimate injustice for wrongful conviction: capital punishment.

The growing number of exonerations by DNA test results is one area in which technology has proven to be a source of social good. Science has proven time and time again to be a far more accurate judge of truth than juries. DNA is not swayed by personal convictions or emotional appeals – it simply shows the case for what it is. Hundreds of people, some of whom had suffered decades behind bars in total innocence, have already been freed, and we are left only to imagine how many more lives could have been saved.

In spite of the obvious fact that DNA is a force for positive change, many in government and law enforcement are actually opposed to its use in legal cases. Efforts have already begun by district attorneys and prosecutors to impede, restrict, or slow down DNA testing for the thousands of inmates requesting a fair appraisal of their situation.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has been wrongfully convicted of and sentenced for a crime, you owe it to yourself to fight as hard as you can for justice. Contact one of the experienced San Jose criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name] today by calling [phone-number] to find out more about how DNA testing can help you regain your life.