Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer appointments via phone, video, or in person.

Domestic Physical Abuse

Domestic physical abuse is defined as the use of physical intimidation and harm toward a partner in order to exert control and claim power in the relationship. Women are the victims in approximately 85% of domestic physical abuse cases, though this is not to say that men are never the victims of physical abuse, or that every man accused of physical abuse is guilty.

If you have been accused of domestic physical abuse, it is in your best interest to contact a knowledgeable San Jose criminal defense lawyer who can help make sure your legal rights and interests are protected. Call the [firm-name], at [phone-number] for the representation you need.

Examples of Physical Abuse

Physical abuse does not include emotional, financial, or sexual abuse. It is forceful physical behavior that causes injury or bodily harm. This can include:

In some cases, physical abuse may also be directed at pets, kids, or people who try to interfere.

Contact Us

A dedicated and experienced attorney is your best defense against a charge as serious as domestic physical abuse. Contact a San Jose criminal defense lawyer at the [firm-name], today by calling [phone-number].