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Domestic Sexual Abuse

Domestic abuse can be divided into many categories; it does not only refer to physical beatings. Sexual abuse is actually one of the most common types of domestic abuse, and it is often tied to both physical and emotional abuse. Domestic sexual abuse is a serious criminal charge, and the accusation alone can be sufficient to have a significant negative effect on your personal and professional lives.

If you have been accused of sexual domestic abuse, or domestic abuse of any kind, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced San Jose criminal defense attorney. The dedicated attorneys at the [firm-name], are passionately committed to providing our clients with the vigorous defense to which they are entitled. Contact us at [phone-number] to discuss your case.

Examples of Domestic Sexual Abuse

Domestic sexual abuse is a very broad categorization of offending sexual behaviors committed by one member of a household against another. Domestic sexual abuse can occur when a partner:

These are merely a few examples of sexual domestic abuse, but this kind of abuse can take many forms. Accordingly, you may find yourself up against potentially life-altering charges with little or no inclination that such a matter lies before you.

Contact Us

Being accused of a crime does not make you guilty. The compassionate San Jose criminal defense attorneys at the [firm-name], will work tirelessly to protect your rights and interests throughout your case. Contact us by calling [phone-number] today.