Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse

Although the assumption in the U.S. legal system is technically “innocent until proven guilty,” the reality is that many people accused of crimes feel guilty until proven innocent. Society reacts harshly when a person is accused of a crime, especially in cases involving a child. However, it is important to remember that an accusation is not proof of guilt.

Various studies have attempted to show the percentage of false accusations in child molestation cases, and they have yielded numbers as varied as 6% to 35%. Although the exact number is unknown, it is true that children sometimes falsely accuse adults of sexual abuse. The sympathetic San Jose criminal attorneys at the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP., are experienced in child sexual abuse cases and are prepared to defend you against false accusations. Contact us today at [phone-number].

Why Would Someone Falsely Accuse You?

Rarely does a child fabricate this kind of story independently. In the majority of cases involving false allegations, the child is being manipulated by another adult. There are a lot of reasons why someone might feel compelled to bring on a false accusation, but here are a few common examples:

Contact Us

If you have been accused of child abuse, the San Jose criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name] want to help you through the overwhelming process of defending yourself against these criminal charges. Call [phone-number] for a free consultation.