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Grand Theft Auto

Grand theft auto is the name given to motor vehicle theft. Theft of any motor vehicle, whether it is a car, motorcycle, truck, helicopter, or something else, constitutes an act of grand theft auto. Grand theft auto is more common than you may realize. An individual can commit grand theft auto in a number of ways.


Carjacking is the forceful removal of a driver from her or his car. For example, if someone points a gun at someone who is waiting in their car at a stoplight and forces the driver to get out of the car, only to steal the car, then grand theft auto has been committed.

Straightforward Theft

Straightforward theft refers to theft of a car that is sitting idle and unattended. It can be by towing the car or by breaking into the car, starting it without the key (or even with the key if the key is present), and stealing it.

It goes without saying that any type of grand theft auto is illegal. The penalties for grand theft auto vary, and can range from community service to fines to imprisonment. Being accused of grand theft auto can be very stressful, however, seeking the guidance of an experienced lawyer can help to relieve that stress and will ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Speak with a San Jose Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you or someone you know has been accused of grand theft auto, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of the [firm-name] by calling [phone-number].