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Kidnapping Charges in California

Kidnapping is a serious criminal offense in California. Investigators and prosecutors avidly pursue instances that seem to be cases of kidnapping. While it is a tragedy when someone faces a traumatic ordeal such as kidnapping, it can also be devastating to be falsely accused of this crime. Kidnapping rates are on the rise in the U.S., and unfortunately, in the pursuit of justice law enforcement officers sometimes charge and prosecute the wrong individuals for these crimes.

Understanding Kidnapping Charges

First, it is important to understand what constitutes a criminal kidnapping charge. In the state of California, there are four main components of simple kidnapping, which is different from aggravated kidnapping. These components include:

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Kidnapping charges against you must be met seriously. Kidnapping is considered a felony, and the possible consequences of a conviction include up to eight years in state prison. Also, kidnapping is included under California’s three strikes law, meaning that you must serve at least 85% of your sentence before being eligible for release. If you are suspected of or charged with kidnapping, call the San Jose kidnapping attorneys of the [firm-name] at [phone-number] today.