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Legal Custody

When a child’s parents divorce, some of the most important decisions to be made involve the terms of the custody arrangement. The exact terms of the custody arrangement can have an enormous impact on the child’s welfare and upbringing, and, therefore, it’s important that the custody arrangement be appropriately negotiated with the child’s interests in mind. This is true of both physical and legal custody.

When pursuing a divorce in which child custody is a critical component in San Jose, our lawyers at the [firm-name] understand how important creating an effective and appropriate custody arrangement can be. As such, we believe that it is important for parents in this situation to understand the differences between physical and legal custody, and the rights that both confer on parents.

Aspects of Legal Custody

Legal custody confers a number of different rights and obligations on parents. Typically speaking, legal custody arrangements give a parent the right to have input in the following issues relating to a child’s upbringing:

As there may be other aspects of legal custody arrangements that affect the parent’s relationship with their child, it is important to discuss your custody arrangement carefully with an experienced attorney.

Contact a Child Custody Attorney in San Jose

If you are pursuing a divorce in San Jose and need assistance with child custody, our legal team at the [firm-name], can help. Call [phone-number] to discuss your situation with a qualified member of our professional legal staff and learn more about what we can do to help you work out the best child custody arrangement possible.