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Missing Children

Kidnapping Statistics

The statistics describing the nature of child kidnappings in America are quite alarming. In fact, 85-90% of missing persons in the United States are individuals who are 18 years old and younger. In addition, 16% of these individuals were taken without permission.

When you break down the statistics in order to find out who exactly is responsible for the kidnappings, the information becomes even more disturbing, shocking and surprising. 49% of abductions are committed by family members.

Acquaintance abductions come in second place with 27%. Among these abductions, most of the victims are teenage adolescents. These crimes, especially in this category, are usually associated with sexual assault. 24% of abductions are done by complete strangers. Even more astonishing was the fact that 43% of the perpetrators are women.

The Consequences of Incorrect Accusations

However, as with all things, there are two sides to the child kidnapping story. Because crimes involving children are often emotionally charged, an innocent person who is wrongfully accused of kidnapping a child may be subjected to social stigma, stereotyping, and even death threats – even before he or she has had a chance to defend him- or herself at trial.

In some cases, a grieving parent who has lost a child may suddenly find him- or herself at the center of a criminal investigation, adding insult to injury. In these situations, the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney may be the only thing standing between an innocent person and an unjustified punishment.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has questions about kidnapping or any other crime, feel free to contact the San Jose criminal attorneys of the Daniel Jensen law firm by calling [phone-number].