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Parole Violations

The possibility of parole is a shining light at the end of a tunnel. Gaining the approval of the parole board can cause a jail sentence to be drastically reduced for a convicted criminal. Typically, this may be granted if a prisoner exhibits good behavior, remorse, or there are other changes of circumstance. A fresh start on life much can come much sooner than expected. Those on parole, however, do not regain all their freedoms as they leave the jail cell. They are expected to follow certain rules that have been put in place to prevent or more harshly penalize future illegal activity.

If you or your loved one has been charged with a parole violation, it is important that you have experienced representation by your side. A San Jose criminal defense lawyer at Daniel Jensen, P.C., can work closely with you to find a way to defend yourself against the charges. Contact us today at [phone-number] to learn more in a free consultation.

Following Parole

The terms of a parole will vary from state to state and case to case. However, there are common restrictions addressed in nearly every one of these early releases from prison, including limitations on:

In addition to these restrictions, every person on parole will also be assigned a parole officer. They are responsible for checking in with this officer on a regular basis. Failure to adhere to these restrictions may result in incarceration and might eliminate the future possibility of parole.

Contact Us

If you or your loved one has been charged with a parole violation, it is important to understand all your legal rights. The experienced and dedicated San Jose parole violation attorneys at the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP., can help. Contact us today at [phone-number] to schedule a free consultation.