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Petty Theft vs. Grand Theft

When an individual is accused of theft, he or she may be charged with petty theft or grand theft. The two share similarities in that they are both forms of stealing. However, since one is considered more serious than the other, the punishments for each crime are much different.

Regardless of what form of theft you were charged with, you need experienced legal help to represent you in court. If you or someone you love has been charged with theft, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. at [phone-number] to discuss your situation.

Understanding the Differences

Petty theft refers to relatively minor thefts, while grand theft refers to major thefts. In most cases, the value of the stolen item determines whether the theft is grand or petty. The specific laws vary by state.

In California, a theft is considered petty if the value of the stolen good is less than $400. If it exceeds $400, the theft is considered grand.

Petty theft is always a misdemeanor in California and may be punishable by fines and short prison sentences. Grand theft, on the other hand, may be considered either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances. As such, it may carry stiffer penalties.

Contact Us

Theft, whether petty or grand, is a serious crime. If you or your loved one has been charged with theft, contact the San Jose criminal defense attorneys of The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. at [phone-number] to learn more about putting our experience to work for you.