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Probation is a time period after a criminal conviction in which a person is released under certain conditions. It is almost like a test period to see whether a person can function in society. A probation officer is assigned and is in charge of enforcing the terms of the sentence and reporting any violations.

If you have been charged with a crime, it is important to understand what is at risk and how to defend yourself. The San Jose criminal defense attorneys of The [firm-name] can help. Contact us today at [phone-number] for a free consultation.

Probation Terms

Probation is a common part of criminal sentences. Our society places a large amount of emphasis on rehabilitation, and probation is considered an important part of this process. The terms of the probation will typically be based on the reason for arrest. The following are common probation conditions:

Probation may also include the loss of basic rights, such as the inability to possess a firearm. In some cases, probation may be negotiated to replace jail time or fines.

Contact Us

If you or your loved one has been accused of a crime, it is important to have an experienced defense attorney by your side. With dedicated legal representation, you can fight a punishment you do not deserve. Contact a San Jose criminal defense attorney at The [firm-name] today at [phone-number] for more information.