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Probation Violation

When an individual commits a crime, sometimes he or she is able to forego jail time. Often, these individuals are placed on probation and must check in with a probation officer regularly to ensure that they are following the terms of their probation as set by the sentencing court.

Individuals who are found to be in violation of their probation terms may face prison time. If you or someone you love has been accused of violating the terms of your probation, contact the San Jose criminal defense lawyers of The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. at [phone-number].

Common Violations

An individual may be expected to adhere to a number of different rules while on probation, many of which usually depend on the specific crime for which he or she is being punished. In most cases, though, individuals may be found in violation of probation if they:

Individuals who break one of these terms or another term set in their specific probation agreement will usually have to appear in court, where the judge will determine the person’s punishment. The punishment may include an extended probation time or, for serious infractions, jail time.

Contact Us

A San Jose Criminal Lawyer of The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. may be able to help you if you have been charged with breaking the terms of your probation. Contact us today at [phone-number] for more information.