Outside of seven counties in Nevada, paying individuals for sexual intercourse is illegal in the United States. Despite this, prostitution exists in many areas of the country. In most areas, it is a criminal offense to participate in prostitution, either as a sex worker or a customer.
If you have been accused of engaging in prostitution, your finances, freedom, and reputation could be at stake. Contact the San Jose prostitution defense lawyers of the [firm-name] at [phone-number].
Types of Prostitution
In the United States, prostitution is typically divided into three categories: Street Prostitution, Escort Prostitution, and Brothel Prostitution. More information about each category is below:
- Street Prostitution: Street prostitution is a system in which sex workers literally wait for customers in the streets. It is one of the more common forms of prostitution. Sadly, research suggests that drug abuse and addiction are very common among workers in this field.
- Escort Prostitution: Within this kind of system, an individual calls an escort service and requests the services of a prostitute. The worker in this scenario will often travel to the customer. This form of prostitution is widespread.
- Brothel Prostitution: Brothels are establishments that house prostitutes. Though brothels are banned everywhere in the United States except for Nevada, some massage parlors and saunas act as fronts for brothels in other regions.
Although each type of prostitution is different from the others, they are all illegal and can be punished harshly. If you have been accused of one of these crimes, you need experienced and committed legal representation to protect your rights.
Contact Us
No matter what act of prostitution you engage in, you may face criminal charges if caught. Contact the San Jose prostitution defense attorneys of the [firm-name] at [phone-number] to learn more about getting proper representation if you have been accused of prostitution.