Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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Understanding Second Degree Murder

Most states will bring charges of second degree murder in a case involving a death that results from killing someone with intention but in the absence of premeditation. However, the exact definition of second degree murder varies from state to state.

In the state of California, a conviction for second degree murder is likely to carry severe sentencing. It is important to seek the advice and representation of a skilled and experienced attorney to ensure that you present the strongest possible defense. Contact the San Jose second degree murder defense attorneys at the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP., at [phone-number] to discuss your case.

Second Degree Murder Charges

The penal laws in the state of California state that second-degree murder charges include any murder that is not considered murder in the first degree. Instead of defining each potential situation for second degree, first-degree murder is defined while second degree murder is in a hazier area. First degree murder charges are applied in a case where a killing was premeditated, such as a bombing, terrorist attack, poison, or act of violence that required planning and forethought.

These charges may also be brought against fatalities that resulted from other violent criminal acts. All other cases will be prosecuted as murder in the second degree.

Contact Us

If you or your loved one has been arrested and now faces a second degree murder charge, do not delay in consulting with a knowledgeable attorney. Contact San Jose second degree murder defense attorney Daniel Jensen, P.C., at [phone-number] today. Your freedom, reputation, and so much more is on the line so there is no time to waste.

strongest possible defense