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Vandalism is an intentional act of mischief, or destruction and damage of property. Vandalism can take many forms, such as breaking windows, spray painting walls, or egging someone’s home. Furthermore, scratching someone’s car, pulling a sign post out from the ground, or cutting someone’s trees without permission also constitute acts of vandalism.

Vandalism occurs for a variety of reasons. Perpetrators may do it for the momentary enjoyment. Or, they may seek to send a message to the person whose property is being vandalized, to seek revenge on someone, or to make money. Vandalism may also be an act of initiation, whereby the person doing the vandalism hopes that the act will allow him/her to become accepted within a certain group.

People who engage in acts of vandalism can face a variety of criminal penalties. In general, vandalism is comparatively not considered a serious crime. If it is committed excessively, however, the criminal penalties can become more serious.

For example, vandalism committed as a hate crime has more severe penalties than vandalism committed for fun. Vandalism that involves spray painting a wall is not as serious as vandalism that involves setting an entire house on fire.

Regardless of the severity of the vandalism, however, vandals can face some degree of criminal charges.

A San Jose Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

If you have been charged with vandalism, contact the San Jose criminal defense attorneys of Daniel Jensen by calling [phone-number]. Don’t hesitate to get the representation you need for your defense.