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Wire Fraud

There are many different types of white collar crime that could be considered federal crimes in some cases. One example of a white collar crime that could be charged federally is wire fraud. This refers to any illegal action or intention to deceive others for financial gain by using electronic communication wires and devices. As technology continues to advance, there are more mediums by which one can commit wire fraud, including radio, telephone, television, and computers.

Wire fraud can be considered a felony in some cases. If you or someone you know is facing wire fraud or any other criminal charges, you need someone on your side who can help you stand up and fight for your rights and freedoms. Contact the knowledgeable San Jose fraud defense lawyers of the [firm-name], today at [phone-number] and schedule a free consultation.

Elements of Wire Fraud

There are many possible illegal acts that can be considered wire fraud. In general, though, wire fraud charges deal with illegal financial gains through the use of interstate communication devices. Thus, you could be charged with wire fraud if you participate in things such as Ponzi schemes or telemarketing fraud that contact victims via phone, email, or other such electronic methods.

A wire fraud conviction can result in both heavy fines and jail time. Thus, it is important that you take these charges seriously and discuss your case with an aggressive attorney who is unafraid to fight for you.

Contact Us

If you are facing wire fraud charges, you can still work to protect your rights and reputation. To schedule a free consultation with a San Jose fraud attorney, contact the [firm-name], today at [phone-number].