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San Jose Alimony Lawyers

When married, most couples combine their property and assets, not to mention make financial decisions together, which can often leave one spouse struggling financially after a divorce. As such, in an effort to protect individuals who are left with significantly lower incomes after the termination of a marriage and help them become self-sustaining, California courts often award one person in the divorcing couple alimony.

At the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, we understand the major impact that alimony payments can have on the life of a San Jose resident who is getting a divorce. Whether as the person paying or receiving the financial support, alimony payments can dramatically affect your financial situation, making it critical to get alimony payments that accurately reflect your financial situation.

Post-Settlement Alimony Issues

While determining an initial alimony agreement can be difficult, especially if you are your spouse are unable to agree, seeking legal counsel and guidance can help ensure your interests are better protected. Additionally, after these agreements are established, you may later need help:

Alimony disputes can arise for a number of reasons, with non-payment one of the most common issues people face. However, changes in income, re-marriage, and other circumstances can all result in the need to modify or enforce an agreement. As California allows for permanent alimony, getting legal help when dealing with such issues is often essential.

Contact a San Jose Alimony Attorney

Attempting to resolve alimony issues without effective representation is often a frustrating and time consuming undertaking. Fortunately, our lawyers at the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, are prepared to the help that you need to resolve any alimony dispute or issue. To discuss an alimony agreement or disputes in your case, call us at 408-296-4100.