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Aroldis Chapman accused of domestic violence

Several news outlets, including The New York Times, have reported that Aroldis Chapman, the All-Star closer for Major League Baseball’s Cincinnati Reds, reportedly fired gunshots in his Miami home during a confrontation with his girlfriend. The incident happened on October 30 at around 11:00 p.m., but no arrests were made. Chapman allegedly fired eight rounds after the 27-year-old pitcher had an argument with his girlfriend, who told police that he choked her and pushed her against a wall, over some material she found on his cell phone. Police reports also stated that Chapman’s girlfriend was hiding outside the house when she heard the gunshots.

Chapman’s lawyer, Jay Reisinger, told Yahoo Sports on December 7 that they are denying the accusations and that they have no further comments on the incident.

A spokesperson for MLB stated that the league will investigate the domestic violence charge against Chapman.

A serious accusation like this may tarnish the reputation of anyone, especially an athlete whose career is linked to his or her reputation. If you have been accused of domestic violence in San Jose, you should consider seeking legal help from our criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name]. Call us now at [phone-number].


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