Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer appointments via phone, video, or in person.


If you are charged with arson, you could be facing years in prison or even a life sentence. You need to speak to an experienced San Jose arson defense attorney who will be able to protect your rights. The San Jose [firm-name], has over 25 years of experience defending the rights and freedom of people accused of arson. We represent people throughout Silicon Valley, including Santa Clara County and Alameda County.

Our criminal defense attorneys have represented people charged with:

Whether the crime you have been accused of is a felony or a misdemeanor, you need quality legal representation to ensure that your rights are protected. If you have been accused of arson, you should contact the [firm-name], as soon as possible. If you are convicted of aggravated arson, you could be sentenced to life in prison. You need a San Jose arson lawyer with hands-on experience. Daniel Jensen has worked as a police officer and a police sergeant. He has the necessary skills and insight to stand up for you.

Preparation is essential in any successful defense against an arson charge. This is true even for those that are wrongly accused of arson. Obtaining police reports, conducting investigations, interviewing witnesses, and gathering other pieces of evidence makes the difference between a careless and a thorough criminal defense. We will investigate your case thoroughly and prepare a strong defense strategy before going to trial.

To learn how you can beat charges of arson and successfully avoid a conviction, call a San Jose arson defense attorney from the [firm-name], at [phone-number], or submit your questions to us by completing the Contact Us form. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.