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The Basics of Forgery

Forgery is known as any act that involves the making, altering or possessing of illegitimate or false documents that are used or intended for use to defraud another individual or organization. Forgery is a felony in all states. Not only may you face felony forgery charges for committing the act of forgery, but you may also be charged with the possession of any forged document or forgery device if you have knowledge of its true purpose. Insured bonds, deeds, titles, money orders, checks, currency, and corporate documents are some of the most commonly used documents in forgery. Heavy fines, jail time, probation, and hours of community service may all result if convicted.

Most often, individuals are charged with forgery for the following reasons:

It doesn’t matter whether the victim of forgery was actually defrauded or whether or not they were paid at a later date to make up for the initial act of forgery, according to the law. In order for conviction to occur, the prosecution must only prove that you merely had the intent to defraud the other person.

If you are facing criminal charges for committing an act of forgery, you need the legal guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. The San Jose criminal defense lawyers of the [firm-name], are dedicated to your defense and will work diligently to ensure that you rights are protected. Call the skilled San Jose criminal defense lawyers at [phone-number] for more information on your legal rights.