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Hit and Run Property Damage

The words “hit-and-run” often conjure up the image of a pickup truck screeching off after striking a pedestrian or sideswiping another vehicle. However, while the charges may be less serious than they would be in the event of bodily harm, hit-and-run cases involving damage to another person’s property can still have serious legal consequences.

Even if there is no one around, the consequences of crashing into a home or business do not end at restitution for any damages inflicted, as fleeing the scene carries its own set of punishments. A hit-and-run driver may be charged with either a felony or misdemeanor, depending on a number of factors surrounding the case. These might include:

Further complicating matters is the issue of whether or not substance use was involved. An additional conviction of DUI, DWI, or drug possession will greatly aggravate any hit-and-run case.

The law takes a hard stance toward fleeing the scene of a wreck no matter the circumstances. A typical property damage hit-and-run case in California may mean up to $1,000 dollars in fines and time behind bars. Occasionally, the driver may also have to forfeit his or her vehicle.

A charge of property hit-and-run might seem particularly difficult to fight against. After all, the fact that the driver fled the scene seems to make the case fairly cut-and-dry. However, in reality, there are several proven ways to fight back against these major allegations.

Contact Us

For help with your case, contact the experienced team of San Jose criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name], today at [phone-number].