Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer appointments via phone, video, or in person.

Non-Rape Sexual Assault

Rape is not the only kind of sexual assault. In fact, sexual assault does not even require physical contact; it can be visual or verbal. Depending on the nature of the crime, sexual assault can either be a misdemeanor or a felony offense. However, in all cases, sexual assault is a serious offense.

If you have been accused of sexual assault, it is in your best interest to have an experienced defense attorney on your side. The San Jose criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name], are dedicated to providing vigorous and committed representation to each and every client. Contact us by calling [phone-number] to discuss your case.

Examples of Sexual Assault

Though rape is one of the most common forms of sexual assault, it is important to understand what other actions may have resulted in your current prosecution. The following are representative examples of sexual assault:

If you have been accused of any kind of sexual assault, you cannot afford to hesitate to seek legal counsel.

Contact Us

The San Jose sexual assault defense lawyers at the [firm-name], are committed to providing every client with the competent and tenacious defense that it is their right to receive. Contact us at [phone-number] today to begin working to build your defense.