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What is Harassment?

Harassment is a term applied to a broad range of persistent, unwanted actions and behaviors that can be considered criminal. Following someone home or coming to his or her place of work, for example, can constitute the form of harassment known as stalking. However, less direct forms of harassment might include sending threatening letters, repeatedly calling someone, or intentional exposure to materials that victim might find culturally offensive.

Harassment is no small matter. If proven in court, it can be considered either a gross misdemeanor or a felony and carry serious consequences. Moreover, even if the harasser does not intend to produce feelings of fear and intimidation in the victim, their actions alone can be enough.

“Honest” intentions, such as romantic obsession, are therefore not as important in determining punishment as the actions taken or how the victim feels. Regardless of what the harasser is trying to accomplish or prove in his or her actions, the law generally considers obviously unsolicited attention as potentially dangerous if left unchecked.

Common Types of Harassment

Apart from stalking, punishable harassment can fall into one of several distinct categories, including:

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has been accused of harassment, it is important that you respond as quickly and effectively as possible to these charges. Contact the experienced San Jose harassment defense lawyers of the [firm-name] by calling [firm-name] today to explore your options.