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Woman Covering Her Face In Fear Of Domestic Violence

California Proposes Hotel Panic Button Bill

Earlier this month, two California state lawmakers proposed a bill that would mandate California hotels statewide to provide hotel panic buttons to their housekeeping staff. Lawmakers hope that the bill could lower the number of violent assaults or sexual assaults that have occurred in California hotels. If the bill is passed, California will be the first state in the US to have a statewide mandate providing housekeepers with panic buttons. The button would work like an alarm system that the potential victim could use to alert other staff of their dangerous situation. This device could potentially deter or stop assault with a push of a button.

In addition, the bill also proposes a three-year ban on guests accused of having violently assaulted or sexually assaulted hotel housekeepers. A list of these accusations will also be kept for at least five years. This way, hotel staff can keep track of guests who have a history of harming staff and give the hotel the right to refuse that guest service. The hope is to reduce repeat offenses as well as offenses occurring in the same hotels. According to lawmakers, maids were commonly victimized and at a higher risk of being sexually assaulted.

This proposed legislation comes close on the heels of recent sexual assault accusations of several famous people, including Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of sexually harassing women over the years. Leaders of the hotel industry, including those of the California Hotel and Lodging Association, have taken notice and agree that the safety of their employees is very much a priority. After considering the sexual assaults being reported in the news, these hotel leaders state that they are continuously reviewing and updating their protocols to ensure employee safety at hotels. The maid panic button could be an answer to their needs.

If you’ve been recently assaulted, either violently or sexually, do not hesitate and report the crime immediately. Consult with an experienced attorney as soon as you can. The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP will do its absolute best to help you through your tough case.


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