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Is There More Than One Type of Divorce?

Could you need a prenuptial agreement?

Divorce can seem like a complicated process for married couples who want to split. There are certain aspects to the relationship that must be considered. For instance, decisions may need to be made on how assets will be split up between former married couples. The different types of divorce options determine how these decisions are […]

Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement?

If you read last week’s blog, then you already know that an estimated 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the US end in divorce. Depending on the type of divorce, former spouses may expend significant financial, emotional and legal resources while fighting over property or other assets. But what if these problems could be […]

Is Divorce the Right Choice?

Deciding whether to file for divorce can be one of the most difficult decisions you have ever faced. However, it is a choice that millions of people in the US will ultimately make. The American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the US end in divorce. While each case […]

How Will the New Tax Law Affect Alimony Payments?

President Donald Trump has signed the new tax law that was passed by Congress in late December. The tax overhaul will change how alimony payments are taxed. Under the new law, you would have to pay taxes on alimony payments if your divorce agreement is finalized after December 31, 2018. You can currently deduct alimony […]

Is a Mediated Divorce Easier on Children?

In some cases, a divorce may have an extremely negative effect on your child’s mental health. During a contested divorce, children might be caught in the middle of fights involving the division of property, custody disputes or visitation rights. Fortunately, there are alternative options that could help some couples avoid the drawbacks of a traditional […]

What Are Common Social Media Mistakes During Divorce?

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Snapchat are used by billions of people around the world. Chances are, you use one of these websites multiple times per day. However, what you say on social media websites could be permanently etched into the internet forever. You may not be able to take back […]

Are There Advantages to a Mediated Divorce?

Divorce can be a stressful experience for most couples. Depending on the type of relationship that existed before the split, a divorce can be destructive for the entire family. Fortunately, there is an option for divorce that relies on cooperation and that takes place outside of the courtroom. Mediation is where a disinterested third party […]

Can I Keep My Dog After a Divorce?

It is not uncommon for dog owners to consider their pets as members of the family. If this sounds familiar, then you may be concerned as to whether you can keep your dog after the divorce is finalized. California courts generally see pets as community property. As a result, pet ownership after a divorce is […]

Moving on Financially After Filing for Divorce in California

If you are filing for divorce in California, you may wonder what will happen to your financial situation once your divorce becomes final. It’s natural if you feel a bit scared and confused about your future, but now is a great time to sit down and get your finances back on track. Take your financial […]

‘Flip or Flop’ host Tarek El Moussa files for divorce from wife and co-star Christina

Tarek El Moussa formally filed for divorce from his wife of seven years, Christina, early this January, one month after they  announced their breakup on December 12, according to People magazine. The couple host the HGTV real estate television series Flip or Flop. According to reports, Tarek supposedly discovered inappropriate text messages between Christina and their […]