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What Are Common Mistakes People Make While Under Arrest?

What are common mistakes while under arrest?As we said in the conclusion to last week’s blog, many people make mistakes after being arrested and charged with crimes. Errant social media posts are only one of many possible mistakes you could make. You could also make mistakes while being placed under arrest and held in police custody. Depending on the mistake, you could end up putting yourself in a much worse situation. Common mistakes to avoid include but are not limited to:

  • Resisting arrest: Never resist officers while they are attempting to place you under arrest. You could face more serious consequences for resisting.
  • Speaking without an attorney: Police may try multiple methods to get you to confess while you are still in their custody. They may try to mislead you by saying that everything will go easier if you explain the details that led to your arrest. Whatever you say during questioning might be used by the prosecution. You could remain quiet and instead say, “I need a lawyer.”
  • Trying to be your own legal advocate: A criminal defense attorney has experience representing individuals who are being charged with crimes. You most likely do not have this experience. Trying to be your own legal advocate never works out like it does in the movies.
  • Waiting to hire an attorney: You should not wait to hire an attorney. An attorney could begin laying the groundwork for your defense and will protect your legal rights, which could put you in a more advantageous position. In addition, an attorney could also help you avoid common mistakes after your arrest.
  • Lying to your attorney: Never lie to your attorney, even if you believe your charges are egregious and embarrassing. Whatever you tell your attorney is confidential. An attorney is working to defend your rights, not to judge you or cause trouble. In fact, your attorney could face severe sanctions for publicly speaking about your case without your permission.

Why Should I Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney if I’m Arrested?

There are other possible mistakes that our blog did not cover. You should speak with an attorney as soon as possible after your arrest, as it could make it easier for them to create a successful defense strategy if they are hired. The longer you wait, the more difficult it could become to create a successful defense. Remember, you have legal rights. It is your attorney’s job to defend those rights.

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, the attorneys at the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. could work to create a winning defense strategy.


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