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Decisions on Brad and Angelina’s children referred to therapist

Therapist Ian Russ is now one of the people who can make custodial arrangements for the children of 52-year-old actor and producer Brad Pitt and 41-year-old actress, film maker, and humanitarian Angelina Jolie.

Jolie formerly requested full custody of her children, 15-year-old Maddox, 12-year-old Pax, 11-year-old Zahara, 10-year-old Shiloh, and eight-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. At present, the children are staying with their mother, Jolie. Documents show this living arrangement will stay in place until after the courts make a decision regarding the couple’s divorce and child custody petitions. In the meantime, Russ will set the conditions of Pitt’s “therapeutic visitations” with his children.

Our attorneys at the [firm-name] are known for providing families with comfort, convenience, sound legal advice, and competitive legal representation in order to successfully resolve their family legal issues. We handle marital and premarital agreements, domestic violence, and custody disputes. Contact us by calling our San Jose offices today at [phone-number] to speak with a qualified member of our legal team.


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