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Domestic violence charges dropped for 49ers’ defensive lineman

Football defensive end for the San Francisco 49ers Ray McDonald won’t face domestic violence charges after the Santa Clara County district attorney’s office declined to file charges against him, The Detroit News reported on Monday, November 10.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen said that there is not enough evidence to prove that McDonald committed a crime against his fiancée. Prosecutors also cite lack of cooperation from the alleged victim and a lack of eyewitnesses as reasons for dropping charges. Both parties said that she struck him first, and that he then tried to restrain and remove her from the household. Neither party suffered significant injuries.

Ensuring that your rights and your freedoms are protected during an allegation of domestic violence requires the knowledge, the experience, and the sensibility of our team of criminal defense lawyers at the [firm-name]. If you need a formidable legal representative in San Jose to work on your side, call us now at [phone-number].


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