Serving Santa Clara county and surrounding counties

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San Jose Simple Assault Lawyers

Unlike aggravated assault or battery, a simple assault charge can be issued in San Jose for any violation of personal space or unwanted touching with the intention to harm. As such, people in San Jose are often wrongfully charged with simple assault. If you are facing a criminal offense, such as simple assault, you may be vulnerable to serious legal penalties, which is why it is so important for you to seek the help of an experienced simple assault attorney in San Jose.

At the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP., our San Jose simple assault lawyers are committed to providing excellent legal representation for those accused of simple assault. We understand that you may feel uncertain about your future, which is why we are dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance that you need at this difficult time.

Defenses for Simple Assault Charges

There are several defenses for a simple assault charge that an experienced San Jose defense attorney can use to build your case, including:

If you have been accused of simple assault, one of our skilled and capable San Jose lawyers is ready to speak with you.

Consult a Simple Assault Lawyer in San Jose Today

Those accused of simple assault have the right to legal representation, and at the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP., our lawyers have years of experience successfully defending San Jose residents for an array of offenses. A seasoned lawyer can be invaluable in helping you defend your case. Call 408-296-4100 today to speak with a criminal defense lawyer in San Jose about your legal options.