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San Jose Legal Separation Lawyers

When couples are experiencing difficulties they may wish to take a break from the relationship, but not end it altogether. Legal separation is often a good option for couples that may reconcile in the future, or wish to avoid a divorce for personal reasons. The San Jose legal separation lawyers at the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, understand the difficulties that many couples go through when deciding to separate, and we do our best to help clients easily navigate the legal process. Our lawyers want to honor your relationship by making the upcoming decisions about money, property, and child custody as easy as possible.

Benefits of Legal Separation

There are many components to a legal separation that differentiate the process from a divorce. In many cases, couples separating are encouraged to collaborate when determining the terms of their situation. Some benefits of legal separation over divorce include:

If these benefits sound better than a traditional divorce, legal separation may be the best option. Consulting with a San Jose legal separation attorney may give you a better idea of what will work best for you and your spouse.

Consult a San Jose Legal Separation Attorney Today

Legal separation offers many benefits to couples who do not actually want to end their marriage. Taking a break from the marriage can allow both sides to understand what they would like from the relationship in the future. The lawyers at the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP, want to put their legal experience to work for you at this difficult time. To speak with a San Jose legal separation lawyer about your options, call 408-296-4100 today.