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Seven Important Facts About Domestic Violence

What are important facts about domestic violence?Domestic violence is a cruel fact of life for millions of men and women in the United States. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) has released numerous statistics that show the seriousness of the problem. According to the NCADV:

  1. Domestic violence affects millions: Roughly 20 people per minute in the US are physically abused by their partners. This figure accounts for 10 million men and women each year.
  2. Domestic violence cases may involve weapons: An estimated 19 percent of domestic violence cases involve a weapon. Statistics on phone calls to law enforcement suggests this number may be higher. In 2007, 40 percent of domestic violence incidents in California that were reported to police involved a weapon. Statistics also show that the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increase the risk of a homicide by 500 percent.
  3. Domestic violence affects men and women: Although women are more likely to be victims of domestic violence, men are also affected. One in four women and one in seven men have been physically harmed by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
  4. Domestic violence destroys mental health: Domestic violence is linked to higher rates of depression and suicidality. The NCADC maintains that studies show a relationship between intimate partner violence and depression or suicidal behavior. In addition, domestic violence is linked with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorder.
  5. Domestic violence includes multiple forms of abuse: It is commonly assumed that domestic violence only includes physical abuse. However, it also includes emotional, financial and sexual abuse.
  6. Domestic violence is expensive: The economic impact of domestic violence is enormous, coming in at $8.3 billion per year. Domestic violence victims lose a combined 8 million days of work each year. An estimated 21 to 60 percent of victims lose their jobs due to the abuse.

And the Most Important Fact of All Is….

Fact seven is the most important domestic violence fact of all. There is a way out of domestic violence. In California, you can apply for an emergency protective order and restraining order if you are a victim of domestic violence. Shelters are another possible option if you or your children are experiencing domestic violence.

The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP. is committed to helping you and your family if you are seeking a domestic violence restraining order in the San Jose area. Our San Jose family law attorneys could explain your possible legal options.


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