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The life-long effects of a domestic violence accusation

An accusation of domestic violence does not only affect personal and family relationships, but can also take a heavy toll on the defendant’s career, finances, and liberty. Attached to domestic violence accusation are severe consequences ranging from limited employment opportunities to disqualification in receiving spousal support.

Individuals found to have committed domestic violence bear the stigma that comes along with the crime, making it more difficult to obtain employment especially in the public sector. Restraining orders subsequent to a domestic violence charge can also prohibit a person from going to specified locations, and may thus limit their freedom.

Being charged with domestic violence while facing other family law issues can be highly complex. For instance, a domestic violence charge during child custody battle may mean loss of custody or visitation rights. Particularly in California, individuals charged with domestic violence during alimony battle may lose their eligibility to receive spousal support.

Our team at the [firm-name], knows well the ramifications of an allegation of domestic violence. The best way to combat the consequences of charges like this is with an experienced and competent legal defense. For dependable legal representation against crime charges in San Jose, consult with one of our attorneys by calling [phone-number] today.


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