Jerry Lawler, known in the wrestling ring as “The King,” is facing indefinite suspension after being arrested on domestic violence charges on Thursday night in Tennessee. He has been with the wrestling company since 1992, both as a wrestler and a commentator, and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007.
Lawler, 66, and his girlfriend, Lauryn McBride, 27, were both taken into custody for domestic assault. McBride said Lawler held her against the kitchen counter, and hit her on the head while pushing her against the stove, then placed an unloaded pistol on the counter and told her to kill herself. Lawler claims that McBride scratched his face, threw a candle at him, and kicked him in the groin. He also claims that McBride was the one who retrieved the gun. Both are scheduled to appear in court on Monday.
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