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Are Breath Tests Always Accurate?

If police pull you over because they suspect you are driving under the influence of alcohol, they may ask you to submit to a breath test. There are two types of breath tests that law enforcement could use. A preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) may be done at a traffic stop with a small handheld device. […]

Is a Mediated Divorce Easier on Children?

In some cases, a divorce may have an extremely negative effect on your child’s mental health. During a contested divorce, children might be caught in the middle of fights involving the division of property, custody disputes or visitation rights. Fortunately, there are alternative options that could help some couples avoid the drawbacks of a traditional […]

What Could Happen if I Don’t Pay Child Support?

You could face a series of harsh punishments for failing to make child support payments on time. There are multiple tools and methods to collect past-due payments for a child support order in California. Child support enforcement actions can thrust you into a dire legal and financial situation. The consequences for failing to pay child […]

What Are Common Mistakes People Make While Under Arrest?

As we said in the conclusion to last week’s blog, many people make mistakes after being arrested and charged with crimes. Errant social media posts are only one of many possible mistakes you could make. You could also make mistakes while being placed under arrest and held in police custody. Depending on the mistake, you […]

What Should I Avoid Doing on Social Media After an Arrest?

Last week’s blog discussed how social media posts could get you into trouble during a bitter divorce. Errant social media posts can also cause you trouble if you were arrested and charged with a crime. Whatever you post online after your release could come back to haunt your case. Common social media mistakes people make […]

What Are Common Social Media Mistakes During Divorce?

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Snapchat are used by billions of people around the world. Chances are, you use one of these websites multiple times per day. However, what you say on social media websites could be permanently etched into the internet forever. You may not be able to take back […]

Should I Refuse a Roadside Field Sobriety Test?

Roadside field sobriety tests are one of several tools that police officers may try to use if they suspect you are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. After being pulled over and asked for your license and registration, the officer may ask you to step out of the vehicle. At this point, you […]

What Are My Rights if I Am Arrested?

Most people would agree that being placed under arrest is a terrifying experience. Questions may rush through your head. Will I face prison time? Will I lose my job? Will my family disown me? The most important thing you can do if you are placed under arrest is to stay calm. Remember, you have certain […]

Are There Advantages to a Mediated Divorce?

Divorce can be a stressful experience for most couples. Depending on the type of relationship that existed before the split, a divorce can be destructive for the entire family. Fortunately, there is an option for divorce that relies on cooperation and that takes place outside of the courtroom. Mediation is where a disinterested third party […]

Do I Need a Domestic Violence Restraining Order?

Domestic violence is notorious for leaving not only physical scars, but also psychological trauma that can last a lifetime. If you are being subjected to abuse, then it is essential to take steps to protect yourself from further harm. In California, you can receive a restraining order if you are a victim of domestic violence. […]