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Divorced Couples and Parenting

A divorcing couple who has a child together should never forget that even though they won’t be in each other’s lives anymore, they still have to work together for the benefit of their children. They have to figure out a system that allows them to equally share the responsibility of raising their kids. Foremost in that plan is the need for financial stability.

Rearing children includes the crucial step of investing in their future. Education is a huge part of this investment. You and your ex-spouse should have the same views about whether to send your children to college and make plans about how to do so. If you have differing views regarding this matter, it is best that you sit down and talk about the issue and come up with a compromise.

It is never good to play the “Who’s the better parent?” game with your children. Rather, act as partners and have a united front on how to handle matters regarding your children. If you act like a divided pair with the goal of constantly one-upping each other, it may send the wrong message to your children.

Our dedicated attorneys at the [firm-name] are prepared to review your family law case and offer sound, sensible counsel. We provide superb legal representation to our clients in San Jose and other areas of California. Speak with a qualified member of our legal team today by calling our offices at [phone-number].


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