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San Jose Embezzlement Attorneys

Many people don’t consider embezzlement to be a crime on the same level of seriousness as other issues, such as assault or drunk driving. However, under California law, being convicted of embezzlement can result in significant criminal penalties, including large fines, community service requirements, and even prison sentences. Additionally, an embezzlement conviction can have devastating consequences on an individual’s professional opportunities long after court-ordered penalties are completed.

In light of the serious impact that these types of criminal penalties can have on an individual’s life, it is important to have legal representation on your side as you fight to avoid a conviction that could haunt you for the rest of your professional career. If you have been accused of embezzlement in San Jose, the attorneys at the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP understand just how serious the consequences you are facing happen to be, and we are ready to help you mount an aggressive and thorough defense.

Forms of Embezzlement

The criminal act of embezzlement can take a number of different forms, the penalties for which typically vary depending on the amount of money involved. The following are some of the most common forms of embezzlement:

Without an experienced attorney on your side, an embezzlement charge can quickly result in a conviction that has permanent consequences on your life and livelihood. As such, you cannot afford to take chances with your defense.

Contact an Embezzlement Lawyer in San Jose

If you have been accused of committing any form of embezzlement, you need experienced, aggressive legal defense to help ensure that your freedoms are protected. Contact the lawyers with the  Law Office of Daniel Jensen, LLP today by calling our offices at 408-296-4100 and learn more about what we can do to stand up for you in this situation.