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Partners’ drinking habits have a direct correlation to marital satisfaction according to study

Researchers at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, studied 634 couples during their first nine years of marriage and found that those who were on par with each other when it comes to consuming alcohol had a better chance of having a long-lasting marriage than those who have considerably different drinking patterns.

Their statistics showed that 50% of couples in which one partner was drinking much more alcohol than the other ended up getting divorced while only 30% of couples who were drinking similar amounts ended up getting separated.

The study’s lead author, Kenneth Leonard, said it is not the drinking itself, but the difference of the amount of drinking between the couple that leads one or both persons to experience marital dissatisfaction, leading to a divorce.

Earlier studies also have showed the correlation between drinking and divorce as evidenced by a study conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health that showed the same results for 19,977 married couples.

Call [phone-number] if you are considering filing for divorce in San Jose. Our attorneys at the [firm-name], have the skills needed to help you through this process and are ready to help protect your interests.


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